Hi. My name is Theo. Sometimes, I make music.

Go ahead and have a listen to some of the tracks below to get an idea of what I like to make.

Hi. My name is Theo. Sometimes, I make music.

Go ahead and have a listen to some of the tracks below to get an idea of what I like to make.

Tell Me a Story

A nostalgia-tinged eulogy to the times that have been and a hopeful reminder to hold on to hope. Sonically unique while still bringing the slow ballads of yesteryear to mind; Tell Me a Story is my first release as a singer-songwriter.


Close your eyes. Picture a wave crashing over you. Then, another. Then, another. Sepiolite aims to capture the ever changing tide through the use of synthesizers, simple chord progressions and ethereal reverberations.


Why sleep when you can daydream? Steeped in starry-eyed naïvité, feel. captures the experiences of childhood while transporting the listener to a dreamlike landscape.

Made to order

Not every track has to spring from a state of internal inspiration. Here’s an example of a track I made to order for a trailer anticipating the launch of a mobile game in 2018. 

Vibe check

It all begins with a vibe. The tracks within this playlist are all results of attempting to capture specific atmospheres; whether they’d be nostalgia trips to the 80’s or 90’s or a tour down a dark carnival.


Sometimes there’s just no other way to put it. Here’s a playlist of oddities that may be difficult to place, or hard to describe. After all, what would you call a track where the rhythm section is entirely made of sounds made from matches?